2025 Minnesota Literacy Day at the Capitol

Literacy for ALL!

With your help, we can ensure that teachers and schools have the knowledge and resources to deliver evidence-based instruction to all students.

2025 MN Literacy Day at the Capitol

Thursday, April 24th, 2025

We look forward to gathering at the Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda and having our voices heard to support strong implementation of The READ Act!

Lets work together towards closing the achievement gap and providing all students with an equitable education.

Why is it important to attend?

We need to show legislators that literacy is an important issue and that struggling with reading affects a significant part of the population. We need their support for legislative change now and in the future. It is also a great opportunity for students to see democracy at work and to find strength in numbers.


9:45am Gather in the Rotunda. Participate in group photo in the Rotunda (bring your poster).

10:00am Literacy Rally begins! Hear speeches from students, teachers, advocates, and state legislators.

10:45am Crowd adjourns to mingle & attend meetings with legislators, if you have made appointments.

Engage your children:

• Make a poster to bring to the rally. Gather others in your district to make signs and plan to attend together!

• Stop by your legislators’ offices together to drop off a letter that shares your story. Even if you were not able to make an appointment, you can go by their office to let them know you were there and share your letter.

• Books for kids will be provided! Don’t forget to a grab a copy for your reader.

Looking for more ways to support literacy in our state?

Join the Minnesota Literacy Coalition!

The Minnesota Literacy Coalition convenes a group of local leaders to work towards improved equity and excellence in literacy outcomes.