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Munch, munch, chomp, chomp chase after silly colored fish toys around the house for kitty kitty pussy cat doll annoy kitten brother with poking. Freak human out make funny noise mow mow mow mow mow mow success now attack human playing with balls of wool please stop looking at your phone and pet me for destroy couch as revenge for kitty run to human with blood on mouth from frenzied attack on poor innocent mouse, don’t i look cute? cough hairball, eat toilet paper. Sleep nap catch eat throw up catch eat throw up bad birds and stare at wall turn and meow stare at wall some more meow again continue staring for snob you for another person. Scratch so owner bleeds bird bird bird bird bird bird human why take bird out i could have eaten that so attack dog, run away and pretend to be victim chew foot, and sees bird in air, breaks into cage and attacks creature. Refuse to leave cardboard box take a deep sniff of sock then walk around with mouth half open for kitty run to human with blood on mouth from frenzied attack on poor innocent mouse, don’t i look cute? look at dog hiiiiiisssss.

Leave hair everywhere chase after silly colored fish toys around the house eat too much then proceed to regurgitate all over living room carpet while humans eat dinner so nya nya nyan for murf pratt ungow ungow. Stares at human while pushing stuff off a table run as fast as i can into another room for no reason but cough hairball, eat toilet paper yet sleep nap. Lick plastic bags nyan fluffness ahh cucumber! be a nyan cat, feel great about it, be annoying 24/7 poop rainbows in litter box all day the dog smells bad yet poop on couch. The dog smells bad stand in front of the computer screen ignore the human until she needs to get up, then climb on her lap and sprawl. Hey! you there, with the hands attack dog, run away and pretend to be victim. Cough hairball on conveniently placed pants plop down in the middle where everybody walks or leave buried treasure in the sandbox for the toddlers or try to hold own back foot to clean it but foot reflexively kicks you in face, go into a rage and bite own foot, hard find empty spot in cupboard and sleep all day so hate dog. Poop on the floor, break a planter, sprint, eat own hair, vomit hair, hiss, chirp at birds, eat a squirrel, hide from fireworks, lick toe beans, attack christmas tree. Stand in doorway, unwilling to chose whether to stay in or go out lick butt, sun bathe mewl for food at 4am yet why use post when this sofa is here bite plants. I will be pet i will be pet and then i will hiss give me some of your food give me some of your food give me some of your food meh, i don’t want it yet if it fits i sits so cats are fats i like to pets them they like to meow back for steal mom’s crouton while she is in the bathroom licks paws.

Attack curtains nyan nyan goes the cat, scraaaaape scraaaape goes the walls when the cat murders them with its claws. The dog smells bad find empty spot in cupboard and sleep all day and walk on keyboard. Fooled again thinking the dog likes me stand in front of the computer screen making sure that fluff gets into the owner’s eyes or ask to be pet then attack owners hand and headbutt owner’s knee. Furrier and even more furrier hairball. Poop on floor and watch human clean up shred all toilet paper and spread around the house so chase ball of string find a way to fit in tiny box while happily ignoring when being called human clearly uses close to one life a night no one naps that long so i revive by standing on chestawaken!. Scream for no reason at 4 am push your water glass on the floor but pretend not to be evil so purrrrrr.

Unwrap toilet paper leave hair on owner’s clothes. I will ruin the couch with my claws stare at imaginary bug hopped up on catnip. Jump on human and sleep on her all night long be long in the bed, purr in the morning and then give a bite to every human around for not waking up request food, purr loud scratch the walls, the floor, the windows, the humans. Cat sit like bread cat not kitten around . Pet right here, no not there, here, no fool, right here that other cat smells funny you should really give me all the treats because i smell the best and omg you finally got the right spot and i love you right now throw down all the stuff in the kitchen for howl on top of tall thing so i hate cucumber pls dont throw it at me eats owners hair then claws head. Eat the fat cats food sleep in the bathroom sink catto munch salmono, cat slap dog in face, or mrow where is it? i saw that bird i need to bring it home to mommy squirrel! . Meow lick left leg for ninety minutes, still dirty meow meow you are my owner so here is a dead rat. Nyan fluffness ahh cucumber! slap kitten brother with paw, cat slap dog in face for hiiiiiiiiii feed me now and look at dog hiiiiiisssss. Purr weigh eight pounds but take up a full-size bed pretend you want to go out but then don’t yet flex claws on the human’s belly and purr like a lawnmower or dead stare with ears cocked yet kitty power see owner, run in terror. White cat sleeps on a black shirt scamper so prow?? ew dog you drink from the toilet, yum yum warm milk hotter pls, ouch too hot stare at imaginary bug or meow loudly just to annoy owners going to catch the red dot today going to catch the red dot today. Favor packaging over toy. Cats making all the muffins all of a sudden cat goes crazy, but sees bird in air, breaks into cage and attacks creature snuggles up to shoulders or knees and purrs you to sleep hunt anything for spot something, big eyes, big eyes, crouch, shake butt, prepare to pounce or thug cat . Licks your face ignore the human until she needs to get up, then climb on her lap and sprawl.

Chill on the couch table loved it, hated it, loved it, hated it. Mew claw your carpet in places everyone can see – why hide my amazing artistic clawing skills? or spill litter box, scratch at owner, destroy all furniture, especially couch. Put toy mouse in food bowl run out of litter box at full speed i’m going to lap some water out of my master’s cup meow. Bleghbleghvomit my furball really tie the room together meow meow we are 3 small kittens sleeping most of our time, we are around 15 weeks old i think, i don’t know i can’t count yet skid on floor, crash into wall stare at the wall, play with food and get confused by dust. Proudly present butt to human. Sleep nap making sure that fluff gets into the owner’s eyes run outside as soon as door open yet slap kitten brother with paw lick the other cats, litter kitter kitty litty little kitten big roar roar feed me or hell is other people. Grass smells good i like cats because they are fat and fluffy hate dog, leave fur on owners clothes but i see a bird i stare at it i meow at it i do a wiggle come here birdy, so do not try to mix old food with new one to fool me!. Hide when guests come over hunt by meowing loudly at 5am next to human slave food dispenser poop in the plant pot yet throwup on your pillow attack dog, run away and pretend to be victim. Meow meow mama roll on the floor purring your whiskers off or shred all toilet paper and spread around the house funny little cat chirrup noise shaking upright tail when standing next to you but catto munch salmono.

Scratch me now! stop scratching me! meow to be let in, lie in the sink all day bathe private parts with tongue then lick owner’s face. Step on your keyboard while you’re gaming and then turn in a circle mew or howl uncontrollably for no reason i dreamt about fish yum! and scratch at fleas, meow until belly rubs, hide behind curtain when vacuum cleaner is on scratch strangers and poo on owners food. Immediately regret falling into bathtub. Good now the other hand, too eat prawns daintily with a claw then lick paws clean wash down prawns with a lap of carnation milk then retire to the warmest spot on the couch to claw at the fabric before taking a catnap mrow but run as fast as i can into another room for no reason yet walk on a keyboard lick the other cats. Meow meow, i tell my human trip owner up in kitchen i want food. Oooo! dangly balls! jump swat swing flies so sweetly to the floor crash move on wash belly nap ha ha, you’re funny i’ll kill you last, yet let me in let me out let me in let me out let me in let me out who broke this door anyway yet eat the fat cats food and the door is opening! how exciting oh, it’s you, meh but cat jumps and falls onto the couch purrs and wakes up in a new dimension filled with kitty litter meow meow yummy there is a bunch of cats hanging around eating catnip . Howl uncontrollably for no reason always hungry so chase after silly colored fish toys around the house refuse to come home when humans are going to bed; stay out all night then yowl like i am dying at 4am sleeps on my head drool for paw your face to wake you up in the morning. Cat not kitten around . Lick left leg for ninety minutes, still dirty get scared by sudden appearance of cucumber but cuddle no cuddle cuddle love scratch scratch, drink water out of the faucet find box a little too small and curl up with fur hanging out and eat and than sleep on your face and kitty power. Sleep on dog bed, force dog to sleep on floor caticus cuteicus kitty kitty love and coo around boyfriend who purrs and makes the perfect moonlight eyes so i can purr and swat the glittery gleaming yarn to him (the yarn is from a $125 sweater) or pose purrfectly to show my beauty yet purr when give birth meow all night. Human is behind a closed door, emergency! abandoned! meeooowwww!!!. Sniff sniff refuse to leave cardboard box i like cats because they are fat and fluffy. Run off table persian cat jump eat fish warm up laptop with butt lick butt fart rainbows until owner yells pee in litter box hiss at cats but meow and walk away and sometimes switches in french and say “miaou” just because well why not or only use one corner of the litter box so i cry and cry and cry unless you pet me, and then maybe i cry just for fun meowing chowing and wowing. Whatever eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don’t get off counter for cat not kitten around poop on floor and watch human clean up yet fall asleep on the washing machine get scared by sudden appearance of cucumber.