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If you are a Great MN Schools distribution partner, you may order these printed materials for free.

We create and share clear, transparent resources with families so they have real choices and more power in demanding high-quality education.
MN Family Standards Guides
Families tell us that in addition to knowing how their child’s school is doing, they want to know how their child is doing in school. In response, we released a new tool for families: Minnesota Standards Families Guides, printed in five languages.
Our grade level guides make sense of state learning standards and grade-level expectations. They show – in simple language – what our state and schools expect kids to know and be able to do each year.

Minneapolis School Finder
Great MN Schools publishes the first and only comprehensive view of all school choices across the city, the Minneapolis School Finder, which is now used annually by over 13,000 families in Minneapolis.
The Minneapolis School Finder helps families make informed school selection decisions.