Sarah Clyne+

Sarah is the executive director for EquaSpace, a start-up nonprofit center that will house 30-40 small to mid-size organizations in downtown St. Paul. Prior to EquaSpace, she served as the executive director of Northside Funders Group, a funder collaborative that makes strategic investments in North Minneapolis, as well as the executive director for the Domestic Abuse Project, where she helped establish an innovative and transformational birth-to-3 therapy program and engaged in projects with Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis to end gender-based violence. In addition, Sarah served as executive director of Joyce Preschool, which was awarded the Nonprofit Excellence Award in 2013.

Sarah serves as chair of Propel Nonprofits and Pollen Midwest and is on the boards of Gender Justice and Serve Minnesota. She also served on Mayor Hodges’ Cradle-to-K Cabinet and the Governor’s Council on Law Enforcement and Community Relations. She was a founding local advisory board member for Educators for Excellence-Minnesota.