What makes a great school?

At a great school, every student feels loved, challenged, supported, engaged, and connected. We know what it takes to get there.

We are building an ecosystem that supports great schools.

We engage community members and leaders to advance effective solutions that create conditions for more great schools to thrive.

We listen to what is needed in our community and respond with local and national best practices in order to implement strong, evidence-based solutions.

What Works?

These proven solutions have been successful in other schools and districts across the country.

Empowered Leaders

Strong leaders are trusted to make decisions informed by the needs of students and staff. Those closest to the problem should be empowered to solve it.

Diverse Educators

Culturally relevant educators improve learning experiences and outcomes for students from all backgrounds.

Transparent Data

Everyone deserves to know how schools are doing, and systems should have structures in place to use data to inform resource allocation and decision making.

Science of Reading

Strong literacy programs grounded in the science of reading are the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

Grade-Appropriate Instruction

Students need grade-appropriate curriculum and strong, engaging instruction.

Whole Child Learning

Students’ educational outcomes are dependent upon their access to safe, welcoming learning environments and rich learning experiences.

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